
Karma Yoga in Everyday Life

Karma Yoga is not about great public service that one needs to do. It can be accomplished by simply being in servitude in all activities of everyday life.

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Love and Light.

Career and Karma Yoga

Do you think that your career being a service to society automatically qualifies as Karma Yoga? What are the finer aspects to be aware of? Can we mold our careers according to the principles of Karma Yoga?

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Love and Light.

Paths to Self-Realization : Karma Yoga – III

What is the impact of Karma Yoga on society and personal life? How can it bring about the ultimate spiritual goal of being united with the Supreme Consciousness?

Read the post and engage with your views on the topic. Share if you like the post.

Love and Light.

Paths to Self-Realization : Karma Yoga – II

Is the Karma we do really our doing? Are our lives far greater than we have ever realized? Can we rise above our limited self-interests and adopt the greatness of a true Karma Yogi?

Read the post to find the answers and engage with comments and sharing.

Love and Light.

Paths to Self-Realization : Karma Yoga – I

What exactly is Karma? What is Karma Yoga? How can we remold ourselves in such a way that our Karma becomes an act of Yoga or Union with God instead of bounding us to Karmaphala and thereby repeated cycles of life and death.

Read the post to understand how you have been dealing with your…

Absolute TRUTH : Paths to Self-Realization

Are we recognizing that a Higher Power is at work behind this Existence and our relationship with it? Are we in pursuit of this Higher Power or still riddled by the countless unworthy problems of our small lives? What is the path to be taken for such a pursuit?

Read the post and engage with…

Absolute TRUTH : A Multitude of Paths

How does the same spiritual pursuit of connecting with the Supreme Consciousness lead to so many different religions and traditions? Should we accept each of them on blind faith, or is there an acid test they all must go through?

Read to expand your understanding on God, spirituality and religion. Be a seeker and spread…

Absolute TRUTH : Its Nature and Relevance

Is there an absolute Truth? What should be the nature of such a Truth? What would be its impact on the world and us?

Read the post and subscribe to the blog page to know about this and other such spiritually motivating topics and discussions.


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